Category: Poor Posture

shoulder pain relief Mar10th 2019

Common Causes of Shoulder Pain and How Physical Therapy Can Help

Your shoulder is the most flexible and movable joint in your body, consisting of several bones, muscles, joints and tendons. This means there are several ways the shoulder can become injured and cause pain. There are many causes of shoulder pain and steps you can take to eliminate the discomfort. Physical therapy is an effective

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Posture Feb20th 2019

Protect Your Hands & Wrists With Proper Ergonomics

Ergonomics – how people interact with their workspace — gets a lot of focus in the corporate environment, but it requires your attention at home, too. People come in different shapes and sizes, so what is safe and efficient for your co-worker or family member may be different for you. Ignoring those differences can lead

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wrist pain Feb10th 2019

Lost Ability To Do Daily Tasks? Hand Therapy Gets Results

You may never realize how essential your hands are to your every-day lifestyle until you lose their functionality. A freak accident, an injury, a chronic illness like arthritis—it happens to too many people. One day you may realize that your hands aren’t capable of tying that knot, grasping that lever, or picking up that needle.

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